Thursday 24 November 2011

Task 11

 select an appropriate typeface for: Anger, Fear, Love, Sex, Fruit and Surprise

I started with anger as I felt this could be the easiest to do. I thought bold letters could easily put this message across to the viewers. Also, typefaces that look like they have been almost cut into something, from the emotion of anger, which the first two were aimed at. The others were bold and almost shouting, so I felt they worked well for the word. 
 Fear was just as easy as anger in my eyes. I wanted to find typefaces that showed genuine fear, shaky text. The first seemed horror like, and horror is a fear. The third down was cracked, showing how uneasy you are when you are fearing something. I felt this worked well with the emotions alongside the fear itself. 
 When looking at the word fruit, I came across type I have seen on packaging, making something look more juicy with its font. I think all the typefaces I found for this word work well, showing the juiciness. I think the first one is questionable, but the F gave me a feeling of how fruit is, curved and luscious. 

Love was not a hard one to do. I found cursive lettering, ones that are usually found on valentines cards. They all work because they are all joined, and love brings people together, so I brought that across with the typefaces I chose. 

Sex is similar to love, but very different at the same time. Yes, sex can be known as love making, but sometimes sex is just sex? I chose again fonts that join together, which imitate people getting close together, which is what sex is, being close. 
The top one however, I feel doesn't say sex like the other typefaces I found. So I changed it so the letters were more close together, giving it that extra element.

Surprise I wanted to find type that seemed, not quite in your face, but just with that spark of surprise. Like the third one down, where its cursive and nice, it brings the element of that surprise being beautiful and something happy. 

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