Thursday 24 November 2011

Task 3

use your food or related items to write one or more words explaining you felt about the meal.
 For this part of the project, I had a cheese, beans and hotdog toastie, making a right mess of everything. The first word that came to mind when preparing my toastie was ‘yum’ so I started off with using left over beans to write the word on my plate whilst waiting for it to toast. 
Once it was done, I made the word from the actual toastie. Accidently, (in the second down on the left) the toastie seemed like a mouth, with a tongue coming from it, which I felt made the picture feel more ‘yum’. 
At the top left, I made another which came out a complete mess, so I wrote the word ‘mess’ with the remainder of the toastie.

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