Thursday 24 November 2011

Task 7

Using typefaces available on the University computers illustrate three pairs of antonyms. Think about the opposite relationship within the pair and how you might exploit this to better communicate both words

I chose Hot and Cold first, and decided on using colours, red and blue. I used liquify to change the word ‘hot’ so it was as though there were flames coming from the top of the letters. With cold, I used a blur effect, giving it the shivering feeling you get when you are cold. I felt this worked well and much better than the idea for hot. 
For solid, i just chose to use a bold typeface, to create the solid look of the letters. Whereas for liquid, again, I used liquify. I felt liquid could have been produced a lot better, maybe if I used a different font to write the word then play around with it. 
For loud, I thought of speakers, and the vibrations used. I didn’t want to use the same effect as my cold idea, so I used a wind effect, i felt this still worked, like noise levels in a way. but very sutily on one side of the text. I used a bold font to put across the loud feeling of the word. With quiet I simply did the opposite, using a calligraphy type font, in a small size and dropped the opacity down so its softly put on the page below loud.
For short, I simply shortened the word slightly then added the word tall above it, showing its tallness compared to the short word. I stretched ‘tall’ to create its height difference from short. 

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