Thursday 24 November 2011

"Would You Do It Again?"

I was given the phrase "would you do it again?" my thoughts were about relationships to start with but progressed onto murder and self harm after relooking at Sagmeister's work which is a bit gruesome for some people with the cutting on skin and making letters with pegs with skin. I wanted to make my work reflect on his and make it gruesome and gory, so I used fake blood left over from London Zombie Day and used what I use to make flesh wounds to create it on my arm, as I wasn't going to take it literally and carve it into my flesh. 

I used tissue, PVA glue, paint and fake blood to create my work, which I did on my own arms and then photographed it. These two images are two i printed out, the bottom one was printed twice because of the colour, in the end, I chose to use the first two sets as it was brighter and easier to read than the other. 
The first image (top) is the photo taken of my arms with the wounds on them. I took the wounds off (which are now in my sketchbook) and took a photo of them looking like torn off flesh from a victim, choosing to relate murder with self harm. 
I chose to have two images on my final piece because of the phrase, would you do it again?, which works well using two images, showing the 'again' part of the phrase. 
Overall, I am really happy with my final images and think I did well to create them and put my mind to it to think of something different from the starting point of relationships and development. 

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