Thursday 24 November 2011

Task 13

with ribbon, pins and a range of letters, create as many varied letterforms as possible.

Our group was given from Q-Z to do as many as we could in different ways. 
I wasn't keen on this task but it was a different way of communicating letters. There are a lot of ways to experiment with ribbon as its flexible and you can use it in any way, by cutting, curling, twisting and so on. 

I felt we could have produced so much more, and more interesting letter forms, which we started to do towards the end using pipe cleaners. 
I would have liked to produced a lot more, maybe the whole alphabet using different ways of using ribbon. Would be interesting to do something like that, such as the Drawing project, where we did 101 ways of drawing an object, could incorporate it with type, 101 ways of creating a letter. Maybe I could consider this to take the project further? If I had time during the project, I would have. But I could come back to it when looking at type again in the future.

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