Thursday 24 November 2011

Task 18

Using the keen eye you developed in Task 8, photograph shapes and forms in the environment that not only spell out, but relate to the following three words: Round Natural Dark

 Round was the easiest to do of the lot, using some of the photos I had taken earlier from type in my surroundings in task 8 of the project. 
I used the toilet handle for the R, a fan inside a car for O, a hook for U, railings for the N and a car mirror for a D. I think this went well as it was easy to find rounded objects that made up the letters of the word 'round'.

Natural was a hard word to come across using only natural materials. I found a patch of overgrown plants, weeds and such and began to take photos of everything, trying to find letters in the shapes they made. When I got back with my images, I realized you couldn't tell what letters I had taken, so I zoomed into the photos to find letters within the ones I took. I found a few hidden and this was the outcome. I really like the finished piece for this, I feel its been done well using exactly what I have found within nature to create a natural piece. 

Dark was a difficult one to do, as I wanted to do something with shadows. I wanted to try finding shapes that made the letters with their shadows but I couldn't find any, so I decided to make a template, and use a light to shine through it to create a the shadow around the text. 
I would try to find the shapes in my surroundings but lack of time left me the only choice of doing it this way. I could return to this at a later date and try to find shadows to make the letterforms if possible. 

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